Sample CSS collection for copy and paste

This is a collection of CSS that can be used by copy and paste.
Here you will find CSS that can be used to make small changes quickly.


Hide Header

Header does not follow scrolling


Enlarge the text in the search window.

Left: before,  Right after
Left: before, Right after

Enlarge the display area of the search window


Title area

Make sure that the cover image is not visible on both PCs/Smartphones.

Hide cover image

The gap at the top with and without the page icon has been adjusted, and CSS has been added for this purpose.

Hide title, date, and icons

In addition to the title area, hide spaces for icons, etc.

Change in appearance

Adjustment of font size for headings

Adjust the value according to each heading.

Display content to the full screen width

You can check the Full Width checkbox on the Notion side.

Change font to NotoSansJP

Then add the following values to the additional CSS URL specification

Change external links to button format


Display images of bookmarks on your smartphone



footer area


Add a Back to Top button

Add the following to HTML insert (body)
Add the following to CSS

Hide SNS button on TOP page

SNS buttons are inserted on all pages when inserted, but if you wish to hide them only on the TOP page, please use this option.


Set the gallery title so that it is not cut off by a single line

Hide database properties


Two columns of Gallery View on mobile


Fixed category names in board view

This prevents category names from being lost when scrolling.

Limit the number of items displayed

Example of displaying only 2 items (hiding 3 items and beyond)

Search Form

Add search form to top page only


Add search form only to specific pages (with "help" permalink)


Contact us

Please contact us with your site ID and email address registered with Wraptas ☺️.
If your question is related to a display problem, please let us know the OS and browser version of the device on which you reproduced the problem.